The foundation of progress is the education of the people perpetuating that progress.

We appreciate your support of the development of the displaced and underprivileged, all for the purpose of progress.

Promise Support Program
A Self-Perpetuating Fundraiser

Our Promise Support Program empowers people to build bridges into their future through education and engagement. This service to the community provides a much needed component of the leadership development required for sustainable socioeconomic growth.

The success of this solution, measured in the quantity of people supported and the quality of their development experience, is ensured through your generosity and participation!

Serving with our Promise Support Program will give you the opportunity to perpetuate positive impact in progress, one person at a time.

We seek your partnership with this colossal endeavor.

Become a Supporter In Profit. Join us in this next phase of the most prolific fundraising process to date that has been market tested as well as scaled for perfection and rapid gain.

Our "Promise Support Program" uses a product that capitalizes on market trends, and through incentive rewards, ensures proceeds even during nonoptimal conditions. Your use of our program also means that you never have to give us any money. It could never be more "eazy".

Proceeds. Made. Eazy.

Become a Supporter In Profit to help expedite progress.

Take a look at the videos below to gain a little more insight into the company and product that allows our Promise Support Program to perpetuate fundraising proceeds for any organization without taking money from supporter's pockets.

One Team, One Dream, One Choice

Comparing The Promise Support Program

A Comparison of Fundraising, Traditional Multi-Level Marketing, Gifting Communities, MetaForce, Crowdfunding, and the Promise Support Program that makes use of EazyBot.

Ever wondered what the differences are between these platforms? Here, we focus on the differences in order to find the most effective options to support any proceed acquisition initiative.


The Many Feed the Few

*Tied to a company
*Company will collect 30-50% of proceeds
*Products/Services limits audience
*Dependent on Company reputation
*Delayed payout of your earnings
*Limited income due to hierarchy
*Legal business venture in many cases
*The FEW benefit over the MANY


First Come, First Serve

*Tied to human administrators
*Issues with scaling
*Growth contingent on recruits
*Temporary fix for income flaws (stalls)
*Hindered by competition for recruits
*Delayed payout of potential earnings
*Illegal, unless legitimate gifting circle
*Those that join first, reap the benefits


Find Freedom When Focused

*Tied to Smart Contracts
*Unlimited audience
*100% of earnings go to members
*Automated, thus scalable
*Instant payout of your earnings
*Void of manipulation by admins/owners
*Global Decentralized Ecosystem
*Participants have same earning potential


We Appreciate Your Donation
Your generosity is noted.

*Can include grant writing; soliciting major donors; planned to give; benefit events; direct marketing; and mass media marketing
*Tied to an organization
*Organization will collect 90-100% of proceeds
*Products/Services limits audience *Dependent on Organization reputation and network
*Mostly if not entirely offline
*No participant earnings
*Tied to human administrators *Issues with scaling/automation
*Growth contingent upon program outreach
*Temporary fix for income flow to operating budget
*Hindered by competition for funds/donors
*Typically just ONE_WAY funding. You give, the organization gains
*Significant start-up and support costs associated
*Significant investment of time/planning required
*Nonperpetual in nature. Must always repeat process to gain more donations. Usually annually.


Unlimited Outreach means More Supporters.

*Tied to an organization
*Organization will collect only 60-80% of proceeds
*Unlimited audience
*Dependent on Organization reputation and network
*Growth contingent upon program outreach
*Issues with scaling/automation
*No participant earnings
*Temporary fix for income flow to operating budget
*Hindered by competition for funds/donors
*Typically just ONE_WAY funding. You give, the organization gains *Low start-up and support costs associated
*Peer-to-peer: leverages the network of the supporter base in order to raise more in donations
*Nonperpetual in nature. Must always repeat process to gain more donations. Usually annually.


The Product Provides.
The People Profit.

*Product driven. People focused.
*Tied to an organization
*Organization receives all proceeds
* Global Ecosystem with unlimited audience
*No ONE-WAY funding
*Participants have unlimited earning potential
*Participants secure proceeds by simply using/sharing the product
*Instant payout and compounding of participant earnings
*Peer-to-peer: leverages the network of the supporter base in order to increase the number of supporters earning profits which earns more program proceeds
*Viable product use case secured by global market tests
*Automated and secure, thus scalable
*Rewards program suitable for exponential proceed growth
*Participants control their campaign and their profits
*No Treasurer that may inappropriately allocate your fund
*Unlimited time frame for campaign
*No worry about similar campaign taking away contributors
*Transparent support system and personnel always accessible
*Participate without start-up costs
*Self-perpetuating process 

The Promise Support Program for a Supporter in Profit

The product behind the support

Where there is a challenge...

What do we mean when we say Crypto. Made. Eazy? More than a catchy slogan, this is the mantra for, and the story behind, the product.

For too many people, using crypto is hard. It can be difficult to learn, confusing to understand and laden with risk for the normal consumer without proper guidance and education. Companies, however, readily capitalize off this emergent industry. Over 200,000 companies worldwide use or own crypto, including some we know well such as Amazon, Google, Visa, PayPal, Walt Disney, AT&T, Walmart, Goldman Sachs, Samsung, and J.P. Morgan. Yet the challenges to entry and access for the normal consumer remain.

The technology, the product behind our Promise Support Program was born from this struggle. During the spring of 2021, the product CEO & Founder was confronted with these realities.

Having stumbled through his own challenges and losses, he saw the potential of automation in this realm of finances. He was introduced to a solution that performed well, at first. But as the market took a massive drop, everything changed.

He and those he introduced to the solution were no longer experiencing the best of the industry, and no longer making profits.

...there is also change!

Unwilling to allow his friends to sit in frustration and panic, a brilliant mind went to work. Leaning into his professional training as an engineer and his passion for numbers, he developed a strategy that allowed for growth of financial portfolios and positive performance in asset acquisition and sale.

Over the next few months, his strategy, that winning strategy, evolved beyond the capabilities of the solution to which he was originally introduced, and thus, the vision for the technology we enjoy today, EazyBot, was born.

EazyBot was the change needed - powered by amazing technology and brilliant strategy. However, what makes EazyBot most special besides solving the problems for which it was designed, is community it serves. The community rallies around the collective endeavor of creating profits for supporters and long-term sustainable growth for the project.

The cornerstone of the EazyBot company and community is the following:


Supporters In Profit

We use the product that can produce proceeds perpetually.
While you're earning profit, the program pays proceeds to the organization with which you've partnered.

Our Promise Support Program utilizes cutting edge technology to help its supporters earn consistent profit and, also rewards supporters for sharing that same technology with others that become program participants.

Without taking funds from supporters, our Promise Support Program gains proceeds from sponsorship of a Supporter in Profit.

Through the use of this technology, each time a Supporter In Profit earns, our Promise Support Program earns proceeds.

Become a Supporter in Profit today. Establish your free account. Learn how by making contact today. Complete the Participant Interest Form here.

Make helping people your purpose.

To whom much is given...

Focus on those following your leadership and hosting your legacy, pushing up the people in your program along the way, fostering growth in your organization.

There will always be profit in your progress.

...much is also expected and required

The path to production is paved with small successes along the way. Your success is  ensure when the people you support succeed.

Legal Notice


**The company, WEALTHY CHOICE$, is not an Employee or Owner of EazyBot (a software company). WEALTHY CHOICE$ is an independent business consultant for products furnished by EazyBot and provides data analysis, business intelligence and applicable industry training support for the software company. EazyBot is not an investment program. By participating in the EazyBot strategy there is no guarantee of income. Any income that a person may receive, who engages in the EazyBot platforms (bot or affiliate), is based on their individual work ethic and other factors that may be beyond their control, such as market volatility. WEALTHY CHOICE$ is not a financial advisor and no part of this website, order form or page content should be considered or interpreted as financial advice. Please perform your own "due diligence before participating in any platform that provides earning potential.

**The information shared on the WEALTHY CHOICE$ website should not be considered as financial advice and does not represent a liability for WEALTHY CHOICE$. As Independent Affiliates partnered with EazyBot, we, the members of WEALTHY CHOICE$, are simply sharing our personal experience regarding this unique product and project. WEALTHY CHOICE$, its members and subsidiaries, are not financial advisors and do not act in said capacity. The historical performance of EazyBot Affiliates is not indicative of future results. There is no guarantee that you will receive the same benefits, success, or profit that has been obtained in the past by others participating in the programs offered by EazyBot. EazyBot is not an investment platform, nor does it sell or market securities. EACH INDIVIDUAL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSUMING THE RISK OF PARTICIPATING IN THE COMPENSATION PLAN FOR EazyBot rewards programs.

**EazyBot is a software company with Executive team members as its governing body, and is designed to empower consumers in the cryptocurrency markets. The success of individual participants using the EazyBot product is dependent upon their skillsets, efforts, timing, and other market factors. All examples that are shown are illustrative and are used solely to educate others about the power of these platform's respective compensation plans. These examples are not, and should not be interpreted as, a guarantee of earnings. All data furnished in the EPR are estimates only and are based on the EazyBot Trade History provided by the requestor that purchased the EPR.

**Important Note Digital asset markets are unregulated and not currently governed by any specific European or US regulatory framework. Digital currencies are not bank deposits, are not legal tender, are not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances. Legislative and regulatory changes or actions in any jurisdiction in which any platform for customers is located may adversely affect the use, transfer, exchange, and value of digital currencies.

For more information regarding EazyBot Terms and Conditions visit: